Tasks and functions of the financial department of the enterprise

Managing a company is challenging, and no one manager can do it alone. There are a number of different departments developed, one of which is the finance department. He is, in a sense, the beating heart of the company. Let’s take a closer look at the objectives and responsibilities of the finance department.

What exactly does he do?

The following responsibilities are assigned to the finance department inside the company:

Control of your money. That’s the most crucial part of the job. Employees keep tabs on both the development and execution of plans. Controlling the execution of the organization’s business operations should be a responsibility of the finance department, in addition to analysis and accounting.

Management of finances. The handling of the financial statement is the department’s second role. Monitoring the progress of mutual settlements & developing a payment calendar are also part of this process. In addition to assisting the accounting department, these duties cannot be understated.

Tax and accounting documents must be kept and organised properly, as well. Nothing needs to be explained; everything is crystal clear.

The responsibilities of a financial accountant may seem comparable at first glance, however this is not totally accurate. It’s critical to make a distinction between the two.


Maintaining taxes and government accounting in accordance with the law is the responsibility of the company’s chief accountant. Tax reporting statements, as well as records of the firm’s economic activities, must be prepared on time by him.

It is the responsibility of the head of the fiscal and operational department to develop a long-term strategy for the company’s financial performance. Our country’s laws are continually changing, therefore the boss must ensure if his deeds do not conflict with them. Tax planning is a primary job of the CFO.

What is the relationship between the CFO and the chief financial officer? This is a difficult question that cannot be answered in a few minutes. The law “On accounting” mandates that the accountant report to the company’s general director, but he is also part of the financial director’s domain, thus he must obey his commands. Both will be obeyed by the devout.

By the way, the filmmaker of the service is rarely constrained by the responsibilities of his or her department.


Finance and economics is a large department with many responsibilities, however we have yet to establish this sector. Everything, in reality, is straightforward. In an organisation, the FEO is a physical body that performs management duties.

There are a variety of factors that go into determining the size of a corporation, including the financial department’s headcount and other positions held.

The volume of output and the type of the organization’s employees affect the financial turnover and the quantity of payment papers required for settlements with partners. Suppliers, consumers, creditors, private banks, and also the budget are all included in this category. The size and nature of the FEE workforce is influenced by the volume of cash transactions that take place.

The budget is planned by the financial control department, as previously stated. In addition, he does analytical and operational tasks.

What does the term “department budget” mean? According to the experts, we’re talking about:

Based on an evaluation of the firm’s own requirements for sales volume.

On the subject of budgeting and loan repayment. In this instance, it’s critical to account for all relevant expenses.

On finding ways to raise money for the organization’s work.

Collaboration in the development of a company plan.

Capital investment initiatives, taking into consideration all aspects.

How to make a financial plan.

Participation in the creation of the company’s products through the process of planning and implementation.

Profitability or associated costs are taken into consideration.

As a result, the department’s total cash flow is included in the department’s budget.

Executing a plan

Payments at a predetermined period to ensure the budget is replenished. Long-term and short-term repayments, salary payments, and all cash transactions are also included in this management over payments.

Payments made to vendors for their services or products.

Costs incurred by plans are covered.

Loans that are registered as contracts.

Daily management of the organization’s sales, profits, and other revenue streams.

Oversight of the company’s material status as a whole and the fulfilment of the material plan’s requirements

However, the fiscal and operational department’s responsibilities don’t end there…

Analytical and control work

The fact that FEO is actively engaged in monitoring cash receipts has already been acknowledged. The department of finance and economics is tasked with performing this duty, which is regarded as one of its most critical responsibilities. However, that’s not the only consideration; determining whether or not the company’s budget or borrowed funds may be used is just as crucial. Bank loans fall into this category.

Previously, accountants handled every aspect of the FEO’s job. However, as time went on, each member of the team assumed responsibility for their own work. Due to the increasing workload of the unit under study, it is now time to branch through into a separate service. The creation of non-profit organisations, as well as a distinct organisational and legal form, led to an increase in the number of responsibilities. As a result, governmental and municipal land began to be sold off to private owners, and the rise of individualism grew more pronounced in the population.

The accountant assumes the responsibilities of the finance department if the organization is growing. It’s because there aren’t many people working at the company and the movement of funds is low. However, whether it come to a huge organisation or a slightly open joint-stock business, the department’s functions are carried out by the service. This is because of the constant turnover of resources and the big number of employees.

Management of financial resources

This phrase is frequently used, yet its exact meaning is obscure. Management of profit and loss is known as this. An organization’s ability to maximise revenues by utilising both internal and external resources in the most efficient manner is essential.

Among the responsibilities of the company’s finance department is the examination of various reports and the implementation of a system for projecting future revenues. In order to resolve monetary challenges, FM devises the most profitable strategies and approaches. As a result, the company’s financial services are unavoidable.

As you’ve seen, the finance department of a company has a wide range of tasks. In fact, the service was originally designed to help the company grow and make more money.

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